Nordmann News & Events News Nordmann partner Cell Biotech focuses on sustainability
12 March 2024

Nordmann partner Cell Biotech focuses on sustainability

For Cell Biotech, sustainability matters. Headquartered in Korea, the company pursues a variety of initiatives to protect the environment, reduce energy consumption and conserve resources.

Cell Biotech is a group of more than 300 Microbiologists and Molecular Biologists who focus their research entirely on probiotics and specialize in the production of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.  The company also holds the patent for its innovative LAB2PRO™ protection technology.

Heart-shaped lake in the woods

Lowering the A/C to save power


With temperatures reaching over 35° Celsius at around 80% humidity, Korean summers make air conditioning systems one of the biggest power consumers in both office buildings and private homes. To address this problem at its Korean headquarters, Cell Biotech planted a garden on top of the main building. The garden’s soil and tarpaulins keep the roof from receiving direct sun, lowering temperatures inside the building by around 5 to 7 degrees. This leads to a considerable reduction in the amount of power needed for the building’s cooling system.


As an additional means of saving power, the company adopted a policy to regulate the office’s temperature: it is not allowed to drop below 27° Celsius.


Using spent fermentation liquid to conserve resources


Manufacturing probiotic materials involves separating lactic acid bacteria from a fermentation medium. Following this, the fermentation medium (or “broth”) is left with high levels of organic compounds and minerals. If the broth is then disposed of without these substances being removed, it can create water pollution (eutrophication). The fermentation broth therefore needs to be purified – a very expensive process that also requires a lot of energy.


To use the leftover lactic acid bacteria in an ecologically responsible way, Cell Biotech makes an environmentally friendly fertilizer called Biolacto. Containing biologically active substances like amino acids and enzymes, Biolacto fertilizer is used to support the Gimpo Agricultural Technology Center as well as other projects, including Cell Biotech’s own “Duolac Farm”. Reusing by-products like this that might otherwise be wasted is another aspect of the company’s ESG management strategy.


Eco-friendly packaging


Cell Biotech has also made the switch to environmentally friendly, FSC-certified packaging that uses ink made from sustainable soybean oil instead of conventional oil-based ink. This is another important means of reducing carbon emissions.


Additionally, the company is excited to be on track for ISO 14001 certification.


Nordmann distributes Cell Biotech’s pharmaceutical raw materials in both Germany and Switzerland, including powdered probiotics that are specially stabilized with LAB2PRO™ protection technology to withstand gastric acids and bile. Nordmann also supplies Prolac-T™, a highly innovative new product that utilizes heat-killed bacterial cells to deliver additional post- and parabiotic effects.


Nordmann can supply several end products (tablets, capsules, sticks and sachets) in bulk, pre-filled and labeled cans and/or printed cardboard packaging to customers in Germany, Switzerland or France. With so many years of experience in the Asian market, too, it is possible for Cell Biotech to coordinate new product launches for a large number of formulations within just a few months.

For more information, please contact:

Sabine Hartmann
Sabine Hartmann
Senior Technical Sales & Product Manager | Health Care
Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH